Space Invaders Season 2 Episode 1

The Space Invaders team are back for Season 2 – changing lives and renovating homes! 

Wynstan is proud to continue our sponsorship of this amazing show and first stop was Lisa and Jason’s home in Sydney. 

When daughter, Willow, requested a clean house as a birthday gift, Lisa broke and knew it was time for a major life change. With the amount of clutter built up over the years – this was a job for the pros.


Cherie opted for a blockout Curtain for the living room to control light and privacy for the space. 

Explore our wide range of curtains including sheers, room darkening and blockout. Our curtains are available in a wide range of colours and textures and our expert team can guide you through when booking a FREE measure and quote. 

Curtain Fabric Pictured: Audible in Nutmeg
Y not order some free fabric samples!

Cherie opted for a fun printed Roller Blind for the kitchen to add some character to their 70’s style home.  

Roller Blinds are sleek and with their everlasting simplicity. Explore our wide range of opacities, textures and prints – there’s even a double roller blind option for total control! 

Order 5 FREE Fabric Samples today by clicking the button below!

Roller Blind Fabric Pictured: Topsy in Pastel



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    Fabric Samples

    Search fabric sample

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    Browse over 400 fabric sample options for roller binds, panel glides, roman blinds and curtains too.

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    Add five FREE samples to your cart and we’ll ship them straight to your door! You can even add more for a small fee.

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    3. Book

    Love your choices? Book in a FREE measure and quote to take the next step to transforming your home.

    Fabric Samples

    Magnifying Glass

    1. Explore

    Browse over 400 fabric sample options for roller binds, panel glides, roman blinds and curtains too.


    2. Shop

    Add ten FREE samples to your cart and we’ll ship them straight to your door! You can even add more for a small fee.


    3. Book

    Love your choices? Book in a FREE measure and quote to take the next step to transforming your home.